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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 35, Issue 2, pp. 279-546

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Sparse Evaluation of Compositions of Functions Using Multiscale Expansions

Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, and Ronald Devore

pp. 279-303

Unique Continuation for an Elasticity System with Residual Stress and Its Applications

Gen Nakamura and Jenn-Nan Wang

pp. 304-317

Instability of Some Ideal Plane Flows

Zhiwu Lin

pp. 318-356

Asymptotic Behavior to Dissipative Quasi-Geostrophic Flows

Maria E. Schonbek and Tomas P. Schonbek

pp. 357-375

On the Existence of a Weak Solution to a Two-Dimensional Free-Boundary Problem with a Nonlinear Flux Condition

E. Casella

pp. 376-388

Global Existence of Smooth Solutions of the N-Dimensional Euler--Poisson Model

G. Alì

pp. 389-422

Dubuc--Deslauriers Subdivision for Finite Sequences and Interpolation Wavelets on an Interval

J. M. de Villiers, K. M. Goosen, and B. M. Herbst

pp. 423-452

Competing Species near a Degenerate Limit

V. Hutson, Y. Lou, K. Mischaikow, and P. Polácik

pp. 453-491

Viscous Approximation of Strong Shocks of Systems of Conservation Laws

Frederic Rousset

pp. 492-519

Traveling Waves of Bistable Dynamics on a Lattice

Peter W. Bates, Xinfu Chen, and Adam J. J. Chmaj

pp. 520-546